Amin, SamehSobhi, Nahed2022-03-272022-03-2706/02/2022 feed industry is a pretty much active in a lot of countries and it is achieved market acceptance. The final products are supposed to meet certain specifications to fulfill the nutritional need for animals at different life periods. The final product for poultry is shipped in the form of pelleted feed for the convenience of consumption. This paper focuses on improving production rates while maintaining quality specifications of the final products in an Egyptian poultry feed factory. The improvement approach is conducted by observing the main operating parameters of productivity; statistical analysis is conducted to observe the effect of those parameters on the production rate and the quality of the product. Comparison between parameters levels is done through analysis of variance to determine the significance of the tested parameters. The optimization of parameters was applied with Minitab and designed expert software to determine the best operating conditions. The obtained results showed that the downtime decreases by 16% monthly and the productivity increased by 35% and the pellet durability index increased by 0.8% after applying these parameters with total saving 2,160,000 LE.en-USProcess improvementoptimizing the operating parametersanalysis of varianceproductivity improvementProcess optimization in Poultry Feed MillArticle