Elshafiey T.Hosny O.Sirafim J.Gamal R.October University for Modern Sciences and Arts14 Amer St.El-DokkiCairoEgypt2020-01-252020-01-2520071424407761; 9781424407767https://doi.org/10.1109/LAPC.2007.367468https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4218503ScopusThis work presents design, analysis and implementation of a robust system to measure the power of the signal in the GSM range varying from 890 to 960 MHz. The system is composed of antenna, RF detector, low pass filter, amplifier, analog to digital converter, and finally digital interface with a PC. As for the antenna, we designed and implemented microstrip antenna with bandwidth of 8% using foam as dielectric substrate. We used the system to measure the power of the signal in different places at different times during the day. Using the system we assured that the signal varies depending on the traffic at different times and the location with respect to the base station. � 2007 IEEE.EnglishAmplifiers (electronic)Analog to digital conversionLow pass filtersMicrostrip antennasRadiation effectsRobustness (control systems)Signal detectionDielectric substrateDigital interfaceGlobal system for mobile communicationsDesign, implementation and analysis of a robust system to measure GSM radiationConference Paperhttps://doi.org/10.1109/LAPC.2007.367468