Marleen Wadie2025-02-272025-02-272025HRM of Management Graduation Project 2024- 2025The following research investigates the impact of Adoption of HR analytics, employee resilience and job crafting. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between Adoption of HR analytics on employee resilience: the mediating role of job crafting. The researcher carried out a survey. It is intended for HR experts employed in Egypt's various industries. The statistical software for social science was used to examine the research data, which was gathered using surreys (Smart LPS, SPSS). The study found a positive correlation between employee resilience and HR analytics in Egypt's pharmaceutical sector. HR analytics boosts motivation, engagement, and quick problem-solving. It aids managers in managing workplace issues, enhancing performance evaluation, employee benefits, training, and talent engagement. Job crafting enhances resilience, achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Implementing HR analytics and job crafting enhances employee resilience, supports professional growth, and enhances competitive advantage in the market for organizations. The research explores the link between HR analytics and employee resilience, highlighting the role of job crafting in boosting resilience. It emphasizes the practical implications of HR analytics for various sectors, including HR, talent acquisition, and construction. The study aligns with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, emphasizing the importance of HR analytics in achieving these goals.enAdoption of HR AnalyticsEmployee ResilienceJob CraftingOctober University of Modern Sciences and ArtsUniversity of Modern Sciences and ArtsMSA UniversityThe Impact of Adopting HR Analytics on Employee Resilience: The Mediating Role of Job CraftingOther