Aggoun A.Youssef O.H.School of Engineering and DesignBrunel UniversityUxbridgeUB8 3PHUnited Kingdom; Faculty of Computer SciencesOctober University for Modern Sciences and ArtsCairoEgypt2020-01-252020-01-2520109.78E+12 ID : generation of 3D holoscopic imaging requires higher resolution display than normal computer images in order to produce 3D images with acceptable quality. The efficiency of the shadow cache increases as the resolution of the image increases. In order to apply shadow cache to ray tracing of 3D holoscopic images, coherent grouping of pixels that ensures successively tracing of pixels whose primary rays share spatial coherence, is required. That increases the number shadow rays that utilise the shadow cache and save large number of intersection tests. In this paper, the optimum pixel grouping for improving the coherence and the shadow cache in the computer generation of 3D holoscopic content is investigated. Experimental results show, that up to a 13.7% improvement in execution time can be achieved by proper pixel grouping. � 2010 IEEE.English3D ImagingComputer graphicsRaytracing3-D image3D ImagingComputer generationComputer imagesExecution timeHigher resolutionIntersection testSpatial coherenceComputer crimeComputer graphicsDigital televisionImaging systemsPixelsTelevision broadcastingThree dimensionalCoherent grouping of pixels for faster shadow cache in 3D holoscopic computer graphicsConference Paper ID :