Ezz El-Din, Naglaa Ibrahim2020-08-282020-08-282018-100070-9484http://repository.msa.edu.eg:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3727ABSTRACT Objective: The purpose of this study is the evaluation of awareness level and attitude response for a sample representing Egyptian parents towards emergency management of permanent tooth avulsion for children via questionnaire methods. Materials and methods: A 400 parents who had a children aged between 6 to 12 years attended at the Pediatric Dentistry clinic, Faculty of Dentistry, Modern Sciences and Arts University, Cairo, Egypt. The questionnaires were distributed among this sample to evaluate the knowledge level and attitude response among those parents toward emergency management of avulsed permanent tooth. Results: The result in this study did reveal that 17.5% of the parents had previous information about the emergency management of the avulsed permanent tooth, and 42.8% believed in the possibility of replantation of the avulsed permanent tooth, 19.2% of them could replant the tooth by themselves. 38% of parents reported the necessity of immediate replantation, 37.4% did select a saline as suitable cleaning and 45% reported saline as the suitable transport media. Conclusion: Egyptian parents do lack the most knowledge needed for proper management of avulsed permanent tooth, that is common in all levels regardless the difference in gender, education level and geographic background.en-USemergency treatment.lost toothtooth avulsiontraumatic injuryknowledgeAWARENESS, ATTITUDE RESPONSE OF PARENTS TOWARD EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OF AVULSED PERMANENT TOOTH OF THEIR CHILDREN IN EGYPTArticle